Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

The Kitchen Garden Program is a fun, hands-on learning program delivering pleasurable food education. With strong curriculum integration and a focus on student wellbeing, collaboration and leadership, students learn to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal, delicious food – forming positive food habits for life.  Students attend on a fortnightly basis. Years 3 – 6 in semester 1, culminating in a Master Chef type competition. Years Prep – 2 participate in the SAKG program in semester 2.


 The Health and Physical Education Program consists of a one-hour session of PE each week, and 1 – 2 hours of sport with classroom teachers.  The Physical Education lessons aim to develop students’ skills and knowledge across areas of Fundamental Movement Skills (e.g. running, overarm throw, catching, kicking and forehand strike), co-operative team games, ball handling skills, Gymnastics, Tennis, Dance, Athletics, Skipping, Handball, Netball, T-Ball, Volleystars, Cricket, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, Swimming, inclusive and fun games, physical fitness and sport education.    Students participate in a variety of activities, drills and games, and full participation is always encouraged. The students also develop qualities of good sportsmanship such as fair play and teamwork.   School hats are compulsory during Terms 1 and 4, and it is recommended that students wear appropriate footwear. Students are also expected to bring a drink bottle (water only) to all Physical Education sessions.




Inquiry Units

Hallam PS uses the MAPPEN and ‘Inquisitive’ online, curriculum-planning tools.  One concept-based unit of inquiry is delivered each term. Concepts are explored developmentally from Foundation to Year Six. This means that while all of the students will be exploring the same concept at the same time, a developmental approach ensures that content is not repeated, but is instead ‘scaffolded’ to match the maturity and readiness of students at each level.  

Community identity
Sustainability Change
Social Justice Necessity
Creativity Curiosity

Our inquiry approach enables our students to explore world-wide and age-old concepts from many different perspectives, encourages them to be empathetic and thoughtful learners and provides opportunity for wonderful exploratory activities; everything from hosting bazaars to creating mini-movies and presentations, and engaging in art and design.

Literacy & Numeracy

Our students’ Literacy and Numeracy development is a priority at Hallam PS. Intensive, clinical sessions are scheduled daily in classrooms where a focus on mental arithmetic, tables and number facts and related concepts begins each session. A variety of exciting, hands-on activities are designed to enable the practice and consolidation of Maths skills. Literacy sessions too, incorporate a structured, clinical approach to the development of reading and writing skills. A range of online learning programs (including Reading Eggs, Epic and Mathletics) are available to support students’ development at home and school, as well as being wonderful motivators!

 You play an important role in the development of your child’s reading ability. To assist your child, it is recommended that you listen to them read at least 3-5 times a week. 

The Arts

Students at Hallam Primary School have the opportunity to develop their creative and expressive capacities by learning about the different practices, disciplines and traditions that have shaped the expression of our culture locally, nationally and globally. The Arts offers students a range of cognitive, emotional, and social benefits. It nurtures their creativity, critical thinking, communication skills, cultural awareness, and personal well-being. The Arts contributes to the wholistic development of students and prepares them for life in a diverse and interconnected world.

‘The Arts’ includes Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design.


Students in Prep to Year 6 participate in a one-hour Visual Arts session each week.

 In Visual Arts, students learn the design elements and principles that are fundamental in creating, making and responding to works of art. During a 60-minute session each week, they explore techniques used by historic and contemporary artists, locally and globally. Students explore the significant contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Australia’s arts heritage.

Visual Arts engages students in a journey of discovery, experimentation and problem-solving relevant to visual perception and visual language, utilising visual techniques, technologies, practices and processes. Students engage with the knowledge of visual arts, develop skills, techniques and processes, and use a variety of materials as they explore a range of forms, styles and contexts. Students develop skills in painting, drawing, collage, construction, printmaking, digital arts and modelling.


Students in Prep to Year 6 participate in a one-hour Performing Arts session each week.

Music Education is fundamental to the learning of every individual, as music is a language that integrates in all cultures and societies. The aim is to stimulate, develop and maintain an interest in and a love of music. Music develops student’s imaginations, builds self-confidence, self-awareness and strengthens interpersonal skills. Students in Years 3 – 6 participate in the IJAM Black Belt Recorder and Ukulele Programs.

Students actively use body, gesture, movement, dance, voice and language, taking on roles to explore and depict real and imagined worlds. Props, puppets, music, percussion instruments and costumes are used to enhance performances. Students create meaning as drama makers, performers and audiences as they enjoy and analyse their own and others’ stories and points of view.



Students from Prep to Year 6 take part in a one-hour Science/Technology lesson each week. The STEM program creates links between Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, expanding our students’ scientific understanding. The program covers the four conceptual Science strands of Biological, Earth and Space, Chemical, and Physical sciences throughout the year.  Students participate in scientific studies exploring plants, animals, geology, properties of materials and forces while developing experimental, observational and team work skills.  Students look at ‘Science as a Human Endeavour’ and developing ‘Science Inquiry Skills.’

The information age also requires that children are empowered to manage and innovate what we are yet to imagine. This necessitates the development of a deep understanding of information systems, the use of critical thinking and informed decision-making. The Digital Technologies curriculum is incorporated into Science lessons in the STEM Centre and also individual classroom programs at Hallam PS. Students have hands on experiences with a range of digital resources requiring creative and algorithmic thinking to develop digital solutions. This program supports students in the development of knowledge and skills to resolve digital challenges in imaginative ways, to be efficient operators of technology and critical users of information. Digital resources include a HTC VIVE & Tilt Brush Virtual Reality (VR) kit and custom built PC, 3D Printers, class sets of iPads, Google Apps for Education, LEGO Mindstorms kits, LEGO Prime and Spike kits and NAO Robots. 

Coding and Programming

At Hallam Primary School students learn how to program using a variety of coding software, including numerous free programs that students can sign up to use. These programs allow both students and staff to track and save their progress. Students can attend lunchtime programs each week to practice these skills and are also able to log into these programs at home to support their learning. Programs students wish to access at home can be noted in their SHARE book log (Years Prep -2) or planner (Years 3-6).



Who is NAO?

NAO is a humanoid robot.   He stands at 58 cm in height NAO is an endearing, interactive and personable robot companion. NAO has built in sensors to enable natural interaction  with the environment around him. He can move and adapt to maintain balance. Using sensors in his head, hands and feet, as well as sonar he can monitor his environment. NAO can speak, listen and see using microphones, loudspeakers and cameras. Students using Choregraphe software can program and enrich NAO’s personality, and even develop new skills. Students can sign up, track and save their progress at home using and


AUSLAN is taught in all classes foundation – 6.

Auslan Education Services



Hallam Primary School has a wide variety of books in the library. Students have access to these books during lunchtimes and can also borrow  with their class teachers.  All are encouraged to borrow books to take home, read, enjoy… and then RETURN!!  Library bags are needed to transport the books safely. Please make sure your child has a cloth/plastic bag  to keep our books clean and in good shape.